Minggu, 30 November 2014

Jati diri, kedamaian, pencerahan, dan Tuhan dalam perjalanan.

Orang melakukan perjalanan untuk mencari. Mencari jati diri, kedamaian dan juga pencerahan. (138 Titik Nol)

Orang dalam hidup mencara jati diri, maka mereka menciptakan identitas untuk dirinya sendiri. Bahkan multiple identity. Seorang mahasiswa, atlit, penari menjadi kesatuan identitas yang melekat pada diri seseorang. Orang hidup juga mencari Tuhan, maka mereka sering-sering beribadah. Tapi aku menemukan diriku dan Tuhan di dalam setiap perjalanan. Menemukan jawaban-jawaban yang tidak bertuankan pertanyaan.
Aku menemukan diriku dan juga Tuhan di dalam setiap pertemuan, di dalam orang-orang yang dipertemukan dalam perjalanan. Di dalam tukang ojeg pelabuhan, kepala suku sebuah desa di atas bukit, tukang kapal antar pulau dan anak kecil di atas truk sampah. 
Aku ada dalam mereka, dan Tuhan ada pada mereka. Aku menemukan diriku dan Tuhan di dalam sebuah ketidakpastian nasib, dalam ketakutan, di dalam kedinginan malam, dan di dalam sebuah harapan. Bukankah itu yang orang-orang cari? Jati diri, sebuah jawaban, dan Tuhan? Dan aku menemukan mereka di dalam perjalanan.

Semua individu memiliki ketakutan. Hippies yang keliatan hidup bebas dan lepas sebenarnya adalah produk dari ketakutan-ketakuran akan kemapanan plus dinginya tekanan individualisme dan kepalsuan dunia modern. (139)

Aku melakukan perjalanan untuk mencari, kebenaran. suatu hal yang real, yang bukaan ciptaan sudut pandang si A atau si B. Semua yang kita temui dalam masyarakat merupakan ciptaan manusia. Opini dibuat, digeneralisasikan, dan dijadikan patokan suatu kebenaran. Moral, nilai, keluarga adalah suatu hal yang dianggap society sebagai normal. Apa yang diluar normal dianggap salah. Namun di dalam alam aku menemukan kebenaran. tanpa buatan, tanpa rekayasa, tanpa sentuhan dan campur tangan manusia. Di dalam alam aku menemukan keteduhan, ketenangan yang tidak direkayasa, yang begitu apa adanya dan tidak mampu diusik anggapan manusia.

Jumat, 14 November 2014


Bunyi air menitis,
harum tanah basah,
dan dinginya hujan di bulan desember
membangkitkan kenagan dan perasaan hangat
akan selimut di kost-kostan,
uap kopi dan titisan air di kaca,
atau uap kopi dan lampu kota,
sebuah kesunyian yang ditemukan saat berlindung di sebuah warung,
rayuan hujan yang menahan pulang.
Akan celah diantara buku-buku,
dan gang sempit di depan Parahyangan.

Jadi ingin pergi,
mengulang lagi

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014


Hari ini aku berencana untuk marah.
Karena harus.
Energi buruk ini harus dilepas lewat marah
karena penat tidak mampu lagi lama-lama berdiam.

Dia menjinakkan dengan guyonan.
Meluruhkan segala kekesalan.
Melunturkan segala tensi.
Melucuti segala beban.
Resahnya ditelanjangi, raib.
Jadi jinak.
Dia penghambat kortisol, rangsangan endorphin-ku.
Peledak sumbu bahana.
Dan dia selalu berhasil.

Kamis, 18 September 2014


1. Halo... kamu siapa?
Ada sehari dibelakangku. 
Kamu itu siapa? 
Konsep tentang suatu "kami" 
yang hanya dihubungkan oleh pertanyaan 
dan besi tua. 
Pesan apa yang kamu bawa?
Kenapa harus berlama-lama bicara dalam keheningan?
-Kemarin Malam

2. Itu dia satu lagi insan Tuhan 
yang memanggil-manggilku dalam diam.
Jiwanya yang berkata. 
Dari balik pagar masing-masing aku lihat ia
sirami rumput-rumput kering itu.
Di sore hari.
Itu caranya menjangkauku.
-Tadi sore

3. Kamu pelepas gelak membahanaku.
Charger energiku.
Yang cerdik merangkum sarkasme menjadi lelucon.
Dalam setiap celetukkan sinismu,
aku tenggelam dalam lautan tawa.
Lupa semua.
-Setiap Pertemuan

4. Ada jiwa yang kelam.
Tertutup dan terkungkung.
Tapi ia kontribusikan cintanya.
Ada jiwa yang terbuka, 
ibarat tak ada rahasia
Begitu bebas dan mencari.
Tapi ia sodorkan dinding-dinding penyekat
untuk dirobohkan.
Dapatkah berkonglomerasi?


Senin, 14 Juli 2014

Hari Bisa Menjadi Lebih Baik

seperti biasa, emosi menguasai tubuh ini, menyerap sepenggal dari sisa-sisa perjuangan.
Maka ia bermuram durja.
Mungkin hari tidak akan berubah lebih bai.
Namun ia mencari sedikit harapan, maka ia berkelana di sore hari.
Matahari tidak pernah sejingga ini. Sinar-sinarnya masuk menyusupi sela-sela pepohonan, terus menjalar. Sejenak benteng-benteng sentimen itu sedikit luntur terbalut hangatnya mentari senja.
Dibiarkannya cahaya menjalar itu menyuspi ruang-ruang muka. Terus menjalar menyusupi hatinya yang terluka. Membukusnya dengan hangat.
Maka durjanya yang bermuram pun lambat laun melembut.

Ia pulang kembali disambut malam.
Malam tidak pernah secerah ini dan bintang tidak pernah sebanyak ini.
Ia tidak mungkin melewatkan momen ini.
Diambilnya kantung tidur dan bantalnya kemudian ia berlari menuju atap menggelar semuanya.
Langit malam penuh bintang selalu indah.
Langit malam penuh bintang selalu menjadi misteri.
Perasaan resah dalam dirinya kian meluntur. Ia kegirangan.
Seakan semesta berbicara.

Namun ia kembali muram.
Andai kamera dan tripod miliknya ada untuk mengabadikan momen ini.
Tapi mungkin momen itu disuguhkan untuk dinikmati di dalam kekinian.
Ia kembali girang.
Namun, ia kembali muram lagi.
Andai ada orang yang bisa kubagi bersama keindahan ini.
Tapi mungkin Tuhan mau ia membagi momen itu hanya bersama-Nya, di dalam kesendirian. Di dalam keheningan Ia berbicara.
Malam ini mungkin bisa menjadi lebih baik.

Thank you for tonight Om Han, I really had a great time with you Om Han even though you have left me with so much confusions. And every part of my heart break into pieces for every question that left unanswered and for every answer that has not ready yet to be revealed. Although I keep on learning to be patient in trusting your journey. Even though sometimes I feel like I wanna take a leap and challenge fate. Though I keep telling  and telling myself again that I should be a little more patient. Because I am getting there.

14/07/2014. Atap Okinawa 75.

Jumat, 04 Juli 2014

#16 Survey

This are from the Book of "How To Be an Explorer" task 16th was about Survey. Although I developed further into an interview. Question followed:

1. What is your favourite time in a day?
2. What is you favourite indomie flavour
3. What is your strength?
4. What do you want to be when you were kid?
5. Who is your favourite superhero character?
6. What superhero would you most like to have?
7. Who is your ideal president of Indonesia?
8. What is your favourite game when you were a kid?
9. What is your childhood nickname?
10. What book do you currently wanted to read?

Adisti Anggyasti

Name : Adisti Anggayasti. My favourite time of the day is at night between 10pm until 1 am. It's the time where I can express herself the most. "I feel like a different person (at that time)". It's the time while my brain works the best. So I can write, imagine because her brain and her heart became more sensitive during that time. 

My favourite Indomie flavour is ayam bawang. Without the sauce will taste better. 

My strength is I make people happy. I could understand people from a lot of perspectives. Because I gain my experiences and knowledge through books and movies. I believe that everything has reason. There are always two sides of every story. That's why I have lots of perspectives. 

When I was a kid, I dreamed to be an astronaut, so I can see the earth from the furthest angle.

My favourite superhero character, first criteria should be a female superhero character. Female should be able to stand above the men. Like Katniss Everdeen. I want to learn archery. If I have to have superpower own my own, I wanna be able to control the nature and talk to everything like animal, the trees, the stars, planet, rainbow and etc. I wanna be able to move the nature. 

The ideal president of mine, I wouldn't say Jusuf Kalla, I recently just watch the documentary of the act of killing. I want to meet Soekarno in person. I think He's the ideal president of Indonesia. 

My favourite game when I were kid is climbing trees or roof. When I were kid,my nickname was Disdose Suridose Ngebeledos.

The book recently I want to read is  To Kill a Mockingbird.

Daniel Sadrakh Sihar

My favourite time in a day is at dawn between 2 and six in the morning. I work better at that time and during this time, the stars are shown clearest. My favourite Indomie flavour is Cabe Ijo. It will taste better with the kuah.

My strength is I forgive people easily. I can't go mad more than 2 days. When I grow up, I want to be a philanthropies, someone who do big things in all of my deeds and profession. I was inspire by my grandpa. 

My favourite superhero character is Batman. I like Batman because of his history of having a strong will power. Even though Batman parents died he can survive all by himself. And if I got to have a superpower, I want to have  a power of knowing of knowledge of everything. 

I think, the ideal president of Indonesia is Jokowi. But only not for today's period of time. He has to finish Jakarta first and then after become a president. I also like Martin Luther King because he is strong and was fond with the racism issue. 

When I was kid, I was called for Abang or Sadrakh by my family and special called Sihar for my grandpa. My favourite game when I was kid was "pretending".

The book I currently wanted to read is Winnetou 2.

Kevin Angra

My favourite time of the day is in the morning. It's fresh. "biar rezeki ngga dipatok ayam". My favourite Indomie flavour is noodle soup with kari ayam flavour. I love noodle soup. I like wet. Like for example rain in the mountain area, I like it.

My favourite superhero character is Iron Man because he can shoot wherever he want. My strength is that I am a sociable person, i am easily to get close with other people. And if I got to chance to have a superhero character, I would like to be a healer so I can heal many people. But I want to be able to fly, be invisible, uneatable and unbreakable as well. When I was kid, I want to be pilot or an astronaut. But it's impossible for now so I just want to be a private employees. 

I think the ideal president of Indonesia is Geng his Khan. So if the people does not obey the law, they can be pulled sadistically from both ways. Confucius could be fit as well so it will be balance. Kevin means two ways. It should be balance. There are the good side and the bad side. 

When I was a kid I was called for Angra. I like to play winning eleven, hide and seek. Because I like to surprise people. Hide and seek can enhance people's creativity by hiding in the new places. A fun fact about me since i was elementary until high school, I was chosen to be the head of class. The book I currently wanted to read is "you lost me".

Kamis, 12 Juni 2014

hug me while we're lying down
and put your hand behind my back
as if you wanna take all the burden in my shoulder
Move your hand around it
in rhythm with my breath
'till I fell asleep

Jumat, 06 Juni 2014

Cerita tentang Om Han (Selain kepada-Nya)

ingin memarahi ketidaktahuan
meratapi sejuta kemungkinan
yang menarik ulur hati dan pikiran

Mengapa kau pertanyakan takdir Tuhan?

Mereka bilang Tuhan lucu.
Gusti Allah itu kerap cemburu jika kau mulai mengikatkan hatimu terhadap manusia
Jika kamu rasakan hatimu sakit maka 2 hal mungkin terjadi;

;Ia sedang membersihkan hatimu dari dosa-dosamu,
; Atau Ia sedang memanggilmu

Sini! Sini! Lihat aku! Kembali padaku!

Karena pada akhirnya Ia tidak mau kamu bergantung selain kepada-Nya
Pada akhirnya kita semua berakhir dengan kesendirian
Dilahirkan dalam kesendirian dan dimatikan dalam kesendirian
Maka ia sesungguhnya memperingati kelekatan

Jangan marahi ketidaktahuan
Terima ia dengan lapang dada,
sebagai bagian dari dirimu yang tidak dapat dilenyapkan.
Maka sampai tidak tersisa pertanyaan lagi,
dan sampai pada titik perjuangan dimana kepedulianmu telah habis,
sesungguhnya Tuhan telah merubah hatimu.

06/06/14 (7.11) bangun tidur maghrib-maghrib itu ngga enak

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Strangers I Met Along The Way~

Aren't strangers lovely? 

These are the people I met during my trip in Flores. They are so lovely and most of them are friendly. I fell in love with them and wondering what kind of life they lived back there in spite of all kinds of perceptions about the first impression. On the journey, stranger become family and the road is your shelter. I see that punk kid I try to avoid everyday. In the journey, they becoming your friend. Somehow you know that you are connected under the same circumstances. We are like a walking news which brought together to share both life experiences and to give colours in the different perspectives and from the crooked angle view of life. On the journey, we are detached from every attribute of life along with they class status given to us by the society and eventually dissolve in unite, the unity of a soul. I fell in love and have left pieces of my heart in every places I stopped by, in every people I met, in every sunrises and sunsets, and in every star that shines.

"I fell in love regularly, with each person whom passes me in the streets, or who sits beside me on the bus. 
Not in the romantic way; No, we hardly even speak a word to each other.
But I sit, quietly observing all of their  body language and all of their expressions. Their smiles, and gestures; the way they lift their coffee, or smile as they read that new text message, or count the change in their hands.
I watch vigilantly, tracking the manners and movements, and appreciating all that these people are.
I spend some time thinking about their families and lives, and the life they lead. I consider what they might do for work, and what they want to school for.
When they woke up that morning, and how they did their hair.
I study the details of these people, that may otherwise go unnoticed. Researching each of them, noticing our similarities and rejoicing in the beauty of human nature."

"Seneng banget Pak sama orang-orang disini ramah-ramah banget. Sekalinya ketemu di jalan pasti senyum atau berenti untuk salaman. Beda banget sama di Jakarta, individualitasnya kenceng banget"
"Pada daerah rantawan, egoistis yang dibawa"
-Pak Hansel, Wae Rebo

"I travel to India, it was really nice there. This is my first time in Indonesia, we went to Bali and then Gili and then we're now at Flores. After that we're going to Surabaya and Jogja to see the Borobudur temple. And what about you? Are your parent so rich or what that you could go here?"

"We're from America, but we live in Britain... Are you Japanese?" 

Seen across the street, wearing shirt with their names on the back.
"Putri! Ine! foto doong!" They run shyly.

"Bukit Cinta itu tempat cinta-cintaan. Makanya namanya bukit cinta"

Jumat, 04 April 2014

"Bloom" - Paper Kites

Soothing as always

In the morning when I wake
And the sun is coming through,
Oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness,
And you fill my head with you.

Shall I write it in a letter?
Shall I try to get it down?
Oh, you fill my head with pieces
Of a song I can't get out.

Can I be close to you?
Ooh-oo-oo-ooh, ooh
Can I be close to you?
Ooh, ooh.

Can I take it to a morning
Where the fields are painted gold
And the trees are filled with memories
Of the feelings never told?

When the evening pulls the sun down,
And the day is almost through,
Oh, the whole world it is sleeping,
But my world is you.

Can I be close to you?
(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).
Can I be close to you?
(Ah) ooh (aah), ooh (aah).

Can I be close to you?

Can I be close to you?

Can I be close to you?
Ooh, ooh.

Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Saya tidak melihatnya datang (Kekecewaan yang tak Terkalkulasi)

Dua kali
Menunggu lagi
Dipikir waktu telah datang
Dipikir waktu sudah tepat
Kata diumbar
Tak kuat tahan hati busung senang
Namun yang melayang tak pulang
Yang terlepas tak kembali
Maka kata menjadi kosong tak beraksi
Semua tidaj terjadi.

Dipikir waktu telah datang
Tapi kami telah janji pada takdir tak akan mendahuluinya, 
tak akan mempercepat waktu.
Mungkin esok hari kita jumpa
Di dalam semesta yang selaras
Pada malam yang berencana


Dalam setiap matahari yang terbenam,
sua kian dekat
Dalam tiap rotasi bulan detik pun menghitung mundur
Sampai berjumpa lagi takdir
Kemarin kami tak sempat
Alam tak bolehkan
Kami berlari dalam arah yang bertentangan
Sampai berjumpa lagi takdir



Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

and I travel the world to get to where you are... strangers I met along the way~

I read an article about a guy who travels and here's some point I love about it;

  • You might find him in an airport or at a book store browsing the travel guides 
  • Allow him to paint a picture that brings you into his world. He might talk fast and miss small details because he’s so excited to be heard. Bask in his enthusiasm
  • Date a boy who’s lived out of a backpack because he lives happily with less
  • He’s seen how a life without luxury can mean a life fueled by relationships and family, rather than a life that fuels fancy cars and ego. 
  • He looks at the world with the eyes of a five-year-old, curious and hungry. 
  • The I’ve-missed-you-hug is the best type of hug in the whole world.
  • He also knows that goodbyes are just prolonged see-you-laters and that ‘hello’ is only as far away as the nearest internet cafe.
  • Don’t hold onto this boy. Let this boy go and go with him. 
  • He will calm your nerves when you’re about to miss a flight or when your rental blows a flat, because he knows the journey is the adventure. He will make light of the unsavory noises you make when you – and you will – get food poisoning. He will make you laugh through the discomfort all while dabbing your forehead with a cold cloth and nursing you with bottled water. He will make you feel like you’re home.
  • When you see something beautiful, he will hold your hand in silence, in awe the history of where his feet stand, and the fact that you’re with him.
  • He will live in every moment with you, because this is how he lives his life.
  • You may lose him for a bit, but he will always come home bearing a new story and a souvenir he picked up because it reminded him of you, like it was made for you, and because he missed you.
He’ll propose when you’ve breached your comfort-zone, whether it be a fear like skydiving or swimming with sharks, or sitting next to the smelly person on an overcrowded bus. It won’t be with a diamond ring, but with a token from a native culture or inspired by nature, like the penguin and the pebble.

  • Together you will make the whole world your home. 
  • You will have children that have the names of the characters you met on your journeys, the foreign names of people who dug a special place in your heart if only for a few days. 
  • He’ll teach your children the beauty of a single stone, the history of the Incas and he will instill in them the bravery of possibility. He will explain to them that masking opportunity, there is fear. He will teach them to conquer it.
  • You deserve to look at life through the eyes of youth and with your arms wide open. Because this is where you will find joy. And better, you will find joy together.
And if you can’t find him, travel. Go. Embrace it. Explore the world for yourself because dreams are the stuff reality is made from.
Full Article on: http://www.hereigoagainonmyown.com/date-a-man-who-travels/

"I'll show you wealth
You've never seen
The sun and moon and shadows
The rainbow's arch, the mountain stream
The sunless clouds
And the winter's dream

I'll play you sounds
You've never heard
The waterfall, the river
The thunder of the hummingbird
The whisper of the snow

What if you never know
How much you cared
Till you are parted
By a stormy sea"

Here Beside Me

Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

Buka Mata untuk Indonesia

Deep down inside, I know we dream for a better Indonesia

Mengutip perkataan Pak Anies Baswedan, saya setuju jika hal pertama yang harus dibenahi dari bangsa ini adalah masyarakatnya. Diubah cara berfikirnya, dibentuk jiwanya, ditingkatkan toleransinya agar menjadi manusia yang lebih peka dan peduli dengan kebutuh sekitar dan bangsanya. Menurut saya percuma jika pemerintah berusaha mencapai pemerataan atau persamaan ekonomi jika pada akhirnya sumber daya manusianya tidak tahu cara mengolah hal tersebut kedepannya. Sifat pemerataan tersebut hanya akan bersifat sementara. Tapi jika masyarakatnya dibenahi dan pembenahan di wariskan turun temurun, maka Indonesia mampu menjadi bangsa yang maju dengan kualitas masyarakat yang baik.

 Pengalaman saya magang di salah satu institusi pemerintahan yang mengharuskan saya naik bus kemana-mana dan melihat wajah masyarakat Indonesia serta hiruk pikuk kehidupan kerja masyarakat Indonesia telah membukakan mata saya. Bahwa banyak dari orang Indonesia hampir kehilangan kepekaanya. Banyak fenomena-fenomena yang sepertinya harus dibenahi. Saya ambil contoh tentang kejadian saat naik bus. Dari mulai antri di halte, orang-orang sudah tidak sabar. Mereka dorong-dorongan untuk masuk ke bis. Sampai di dalam bus, kenek tidak manusiawi. Karena berfikir itu angkutan umum, maka se-enaknya memasukan penumpang walau bus sudah penuh. Ketiga, orang-orang terutama pria sehat menutup mata terhadap anak-anak, ibu hamil, hingga manula dalam pemberiaan tempat duduk. Seakan-akan mereka yang paling lelah sehingga mereka tidak ada keinginan unutk memberikan tempat duduk bagi yang membutuhkan. Ke-empat, sekarang masalah sampah. Orang-orang seolah tidak mau tahu, atau sudah menjadi kebiasaan yang melekat sehingga walaupun ada sampah mereka tetap membuang sampah di jalan.

Saya percaya bahwa semua ini dapat diubah. Yang harus kami sadari untuk mencapai perubahan tersebut adalah; pertama, mulai dari diri sendiri. Kedua, jangan pewe all dream for a better Indonesia.
Jangan pernah takut untuk mengajak orang lainnya. Kami tidak boleh menutup mata dan tak acuh. Kami tidak boleh takut untuk menyuarakan pendapat. karena kami tahu dilubuk hati kami semua,
Jangan takut untuk menginspirasi. Mulailah dari diri kita untuk bertindak. Berikan tempat duduk bagi yang membutuhkan, karena satu tindakan yang menginspirasi mampu merubah hati seseorang untuk berbuat baik pula. Jangan takut untuk meneriakkan pendapat. Jika bis penuh suarakan pada kenek. Karena kenyamanan bersama para penumpang mampu merubah energi masyarakat menjadi lebih 'jinak'. Jangan takut untuk mengingatkan. Mengingatkan untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya, untuk mengantri dan merasa nyaman bersama ketika menunggu. Jika suara anda ditolak, beri mereka waktu untuk mencerna segalanya.

Ayo mulai dari diri kami, dan percaya perbuatan baik sekecil apapun mampu membawa perubahan.

Minggu, 05 Januari 2014

Muara Angke

Senja senja gurau gitu
Nyentrik binokular

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014


Looking back to the year of 2013, I have been experiencing a lot of unexpected journeys, adventures and encounters.

In a year, I had travel lots of places;
Getting lost in Bandung by my own, fulfil my desire and wonderment and fight my own fear, and eventually catch my own finding in Warung Stinggil
Experiencing Indonesia's low budget train during my way to Jogjakarta for the 10 days backpacking trip. A new perspective was achieve when people slept on the ally during the night.
Let the fate be decided by life during our journey from Segara Anakan to Bromo.
The excitement feeling while walking under the pouring stars in the Savanna of Baluran or so called as Africa Van Java.
Mesmerised by the richness of Flora and Fauna in Baluran especially when one of the kid stepped on the sea urchin and they experience first aid with their own urine.
Undergoing the spiritual experience during Waisak,
Fascinate by the exotica of Padang's scenery,
Captivated by the sound of music in Bromo
Hypnotised by the sunrise in Bukit Cinta and Bukit Moko and also the city view during the night.
Met with unpredictably eccentric people like Cipit, and others

and many of the experiences that cannot be named and explain one by one.

During my marvellous journey in the past year, people come and go. Most of them just stopped by in a fleeting time, momentarily. Dropping a sort of message that I unconsciously unaware would have effecting part of my life in the future. Some of them stay. continuing to play their role in part of my life that has not yet done. I am so great full for the things i have experiencing. I hope that I still have a chance to experience such things in the year ahead. I wish to see Flores and experience the peace at Wae Rebo, to travel Kalimantan and swim with stingless jellyfish and many more. I wish to travel Indonesia more. May 2014 give a new bright experience. Happy New Year 2014, from one of the big fan of Indonesia.