24/09/09 , it was my first time I landed my feet on HongKong Disneyland. At first, i wasn't really excited because i think the rides is not challenging enough to make me shudder. Everything wasn't goes the way i expected and i had imagine before. The picture of DisneyLand that i had seen since i was kid from my aunt's laser disc.
I watched 3 dimensional show at one of the theatre in Disney. i got a bit 'alay' when the Simba sang in the screen, tried to reach the 3 dimensional Simba and pull my body aside once when the musical instrument are being thrown by the character. But then i started to feel 'happy'. I mean happy like when you were a kid. When you get your first toy and felt like it was the best thing in the world, and you don't have to think about things that even an adult couldn't understand. At that time, i started to find my inner side, my childhood side. The side that had gradually dissappear over time, and i seems enjoy it.
Beside the rides, there are also show at Disney land. Something like music theatre. The last show that me and my sister dying to watch to is the Lion King. The last show was at 6pm, and we didn't make on the previous show, they said we should come 15minutes before the show. So it was 5.30pm and we still in automobil ride. So we ran really fast so we can make it to the show. It's almost 6, and thanks god we make it. And you know, the pain on my feet is worth anyway for an amazing show like this. The music the song and especially the lighthing was really cool (Y). No regrets. And suddenly i felt tingling in my chest and i smile full of excitement during the rest of the show.
What I mostly enjoy in DisneyLand is, we can be anyone we want. Everyone seems like wearing a wierd hat, cute stuff, holding Jack from 'Nightmare Before Christmas' on their back and they don't have to worried bout everything. People don't even bother. Just imagine if you use Stitch hat in the place where you live, a hat that looks like Stitch eating almost half of your hair, and a scarecrow dangling on your back? People will see you as a wierd peson. But here, Hello! It's DisneyLand! A Neverland. A land you will never found in the real life. Land where a grown up still can act as kids. Screw everyone who didn't know how to have fun!
And the final show was the parade. The theme of the parade was Halloween, so they showed the Disney's villain. i was expecting for the princess actually, but never mind. When i first saw the opening parade, it was Jack. I fell so excited i don't even know what was i waiting. The dance and the make up was really cool. Suddenly i feel like i've been in this situation. Not De Javu. It's different. But everything here is so familiar. Not infrequently my mind experiences flashback bout my aunt's laser disc. Where the princesses parade come and dance, and wave. Ya know, the Halloween theme was so creepy. Almost half of the kids there crying because the make up were so convincing.
After the parade, there's a firework show. This is the final where i almost drain my tears out. I saw a castle with Disney music as it rhythm and pretty colorful fireworks that precise the beat of the music as it backgrounds. I feel longing in my chest, like something that you waited so long. And as the fireworks fired to the sky, I keep repeating in my head 'wow! it's like a dreams come true'. i know it sound hyperbolic, but it is really how i feel. I forget when is the last time i felt that way. i don't even wanna go home it is the feeling which i rarely felt. The last time i felt endure in a place is when i still peed on my pants. oohhh i wish i could rewind that momment again. when my ears enjoyed the beat of the Disney musical, and my eyes reflect the color of the firework, my mouth gasped all the time, carve smile everytime the fireworks fired, causing an intense feeling which warms my heart :) i really have to go there again one day :D ♥