Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

Toyohashi is My Next Destination

Last year, I joined International University Exchange Programme in ITB, Bandung. The participants are from ITB itself, UGM, Chezko Slovakia, and Toyohashi University in Jepang. We're the only highschool that invited to this event. it's really cool you know being the youngest between university student. The next IUEP that will be held this November will be deleberate in Toyohashi, Jepang. it's gonna be REAL FUN. but lately i feel like i'm loosing my spirit and confident to learn. To be send to Toyohashi, we have to make presentation about ICT for Solving Environmental Problems. I know, i should try this, several reasons that push me to do this are:

- Hello, this is Jepang! My dream since i started read my first manga, even tho it's not
Tokyo but it's still Japan
-It would be a great opportunity and great experience. only once in a life time.

but some problem:
-money, budget lalalala
-catch up the left behind subject

i have to do this, it's one in alife time dudeeeeeee!!!! がんばって ARA-さん

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

Dreams Come True

24/09/09 , it was my first time I landed my feet on HongKong Disneyland. At first, i wasn't really excited because i think the rides is not challenging enough to make me shudder. Everything wasn't goes the way i expected and i had imagine before. The picture of DisneyLand that i had seen since i was kid from my aunt's laser disc.

I watched 3 dimensional show at one of the theatre in Disney. i got a bit 'alay' when the Simba sang in the screen, tried to reach the 3 dimensional Simba and pull my body aside once when the musical instrument are being thrown by the character. But then i started to feel 'happy'. I mean happy like when you were a kid. When you get your first toy and felt like it was the best thing in the world, and you don't have to think about things that even an adult couldn't understand. At that time, i started to find my inner side, my childhood side. The side that had gradually dissappear over time, and i seems enjoy it.

Beside the rides, there are also show at Disney land. Something like music theatre. The last show that me and my sister dying to watch to is the Lion King. The last show was at 6pm, and we didn't make on the previous show, they said we should come 15minutes before the show. So it was 5.30pm and we still in automobil ride. So we ran really fast so we can make it to the show. It's almost 6, and thanks god we make it. And you know, the pain on my feet is worth anyway for an amazing show like this. The music the song and especially the lighthing was really cool (Y). No regrets. And suddenly i felt tingling in my chest and i smile full of excitement during the rest of the show.

What I mostly enjoy in DisneyLand is, we can be anyone we want. Everyone seems like wearing a wierd hat, cute stuff, holding Jack from 'Nightmare Before Christmas' on their back and they don't have to worried bout everything. People don't even bother. Just imagine if you use Stitch hat in the place where you live, a hat that looks like Stitch eating almost half of your hair, and a scarecrow dangling on your back? People will see you as a wierd peson. But here, Hello! It's DisneyLand! A Neverland. A land you will never found in the real life. Land where a grown up still can act as kids. Screw everyone who didn't know how to have fun!

And the final show was the parade. The theme of the parade was Halloween, so they showed the Disney's villain. i was expecting for the princess actually, but never mind. When i first saw the opening parade, it was Jack. I fell so excited i don't even know what was i waiting. The dance and the make up was really cool. Suddenly i feel like i've been in this situation. Not De Javu. It's different. But everything here is so familiar. Not infrequently my mind experiences flashback bout my aunt's laser disc. Where the princesses parade come and dance, and wave. Ya know, the Halloween theme was so creepy. Almost half of the kids there crying because the make up were so convincing.

After the parade, there's a firework show. This is the final where i almost drain my tears out. I saw a castle with Disney music as it rhythm and pretty colorful fireworks that precise the beat of the music as it backgrounds. I feel longing in my chest, like something that you waited so long. And as the fireworks fired to the sky, I keep repeating in my head 'wow! it's like a dreams come true'. i know it sound hyperbolic, but it is really how i feel. I forget when is the last time i felt that way. i don't even wanna go home it is the feeling which i rarely felt. The last time i felt endure in a place is when i still peed on my pants. oohhh i wish i could rewind that momment again. when my ears enjoyed the beat of the Disney musical, and my eyes reflect the color of the firework, my mouth gasped all the time, carve smile everytime the fireworks fired, causing an intense feeling which warms my heart :) i really have to go there again one day :D ♥

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009

i choose

BIOLOGY PATHWAY Finally, i choose biology pathway, had sign the contract, hope it is the right pathway :) for the future cheers

Jumat, 20 Maret 2009

turned 16th on 16th, surprising me on 20th

Sarah Adipayanti
16 cupcakes, 16 candles, 16 wishes for the girl who turned 16th. lots of kisses and hug for my bitches

bloggie how are you doing? hmmmmm i don't know where to start but what i know is i'm feeling ecstatic. bet this is going to be a long post. :D

Pulang Sekolah
i was intend to play at Ayie's house with Dyla moi pren after school since 2 days a go. sort of refreshing after UAN thingy. we're going to swim at Ayie's, would be lot of fun. the other girls cannot going because several reasons. So i went home with Dyla, we stopped by at her house. at her house we facebook-ing, spying on Dyla's new kecengan. trus si dyla turn crazy, she spontaneously said,

D: "Ra main yuk?"
A: "Main apa?" curiga sama muka Miyabinya
D: "main makeup2an"
A: -_____- "ngg ah"

gw yakin banget pasti muke cantik gw ini bakal dimacem2in sama dia, mengingat waktu abis pulang casting buat acara quiz TVRI waktu itu, pipi gw dipakein blush-on super tebel kaya abis ditampar-tampar. But she kept insisting me to play 'make2up-an', lama-lama gw tergoda juga sama main 'make2up-annya' si Dyla, tapi with several conditions.

1. bagian yang dimakeup in mata doang
2. gw juga make-up in dia abis ini
3. abis di make-up in, kita ga boleh liat kaca dulu
4. selesai kita make-up an, liat kaca bareng2 trus difoto2 masukin facebook -___- wth deh

trus mulai deh tuh dia ngeluarin alat-alat tempur kecantikannya. pertama eye liner. Dia mulai buat garis2 dimata gw, dari ngegarisnya aja udah firasat buruk, trus dia ngeluarin eyeshadow super ngejrengnya yang warna merah. tapi yang paling setan alas dia ngeluarin mascara, terus dengan cantiknya dipakein ke alis 'debora' gw. singkat cerita, abis gw make-up in dia juga, kita ber2 merem jalan ke depan kaca trus sama2 ngitung bareng buat buka mata. 1.. 2.. 3..

jeng.. jeng.. jeng...

Nah.. ngakak2 lah itu kita sampe setengah mencret gitu. liatlah muka kita ber2 ngg ada yang bener. gw kaya barong bali, mana alisnya tebel abis. emang sialan ya si Dyla, ngasi maskara ke alis gw sampe susah dibersihinnya. digosok beberapa kali udah kaya mau rontok gitu alis gw. trus si dyla mukenya kaca pendekar2 cina gitu. sampe mules perut rasanya. nah terus, abis kita puas foto2 sama muka kita, si dyla gw suruh mandi abis itu langsung berangkat kerumah ayie. kita udah kelamaan gitu disana takutnya ntar kerumah ayienya kemaleman

Dirumah Ayie
Semuanya normal, ngga ada yang mencurigakan, sampe dirumah Ayie gw sama Dyla langsung ke kamar Ayie abis salim sama mamanya. Nah udah di kamarnya si Ayie keluar di panggil mamanya, si Dyla yang emang bintang film indosiar (ngg tau acting atau benera) ngeluarin duit terus kebawah karena lupa ngasih uang makan buat supirnya. Pas gw tanya mau ditemenin atau ngga, dia bilang ngg usah. Yaudah akhirnya gw leha-leha dikamar Ayie sambil baca majalah berasa udah kaya rumah sendiri.
Tiba-tiba pas gw lagi asik-asik baca majalah cosmo yang front covernya Lily Allen si Ayie manggil-manggil dari luar kamar

"Ra," buset bawel abis nih orang masuk aja kenapa kamar dia sendiri ini, pikir gw lebay sambil berjalan ke pintu kamar Ayie sambil mau ngebuka gagangnya. Tapi sebelum gw pegang, si Ayie udah buka duluan dari luar.


wow gw kaget men segerombolan orang pada bawa 2 cupcakes each person sambil ada lilin diatasnya. i cast my eyes around them sambil masi melongo2 dongo liat siapa aja yang ada disana. Ada Ayie, Rizki, Neisya, Tasya, Dyla, Dhira, Bella, sama Nisa. woaaaaaa. gw kagetlah, ngga nyang ka kale brawwww.

so there are 16 cupcakes 16 candles, and a wish for every cupcake

seru abis kan? hahahahha. nah banyak abis jatah wish gw ada 16, sampe bingung mau mohon apa secara apa yang gw mau udah ada di depan mata (lebay lebay dangdut).

blow the candle
make a wish

nah abis gw tiup tuh 16 lilin, gw disuruh ngitung cup cakenya ada berapa? ternyata cup cakenya cuma 15, masih ada satu lagi diumpetin. disuruh cari lah gw keluar. nah sebenrnya gw rada takut bakal ada jebakan-jebakan gitu kan gaul. gw bingung mau nyari dimana cuy rumah si ayie kan gede, dikamar sahab ape ye?? trus ada kaya pintu gitu di deket dapur, trus gw bilang 'disini nih? buka ya?' si ayie memberi pandangan mengiykana sambil yang lain pada ngomong 'ayo cari'. pas gw mau buka pintu gw mikir 'is it him' gw rada-rada gimana gitu ya deg-deg an disko gitu. terus perlahan2 gw buka tuh pintunya, sedikit gelap, ada sosok orang tapi gw masih g sadar itu siapa. pintu gw buka lagi 'dia bukan y?' pas gw buka keseluruhan 'wes gede amet' eh si digo ternyata senyum2 sumringah sambil bawa the last cupcake. trus di tembok gudang itu ada kartu ucapannya juga sama ada kado.


gw kira si him ahhahah ternyata ai digo cuih pret duuut

terharu (atau nangis karena yang dateng digo? hahhahaha)

wwwoooooww terharu gw braaaaw. then after i blew the last candle, we open the present. hihihi. bungkusnya sih banyak berkoran-koran, pas di buka wow kardus HP nokia, terus pas di buka lagi isinya dress. senangnya dek akyuuuuu.

apaan sih nih bungkusnya berlapis2 gini

muke gw: "ya ya ya HP nokia" *mencurigakan

intip dikit ah "wow dress"

Ada kartu ucapannya lagi

gw suka sih, tapi muat ngga ya?

sampe gw cium2 braw

gw ngg tau ya udah gw paling nyebelin, paling galak, paling bossy, terus status gw boleh bos tapi paling kere, paling ngga modal, (gw CAPSLOCK bold, underline italic biar lo pada bahagia) tapi semua yang kalian kasih ke aku tuh paling mahal, paling maximal, paling berharga and it's priceless <3.>

Senin, 09 Maret 2009

I'm Free


I just wanna tell you guys that i am finally free from the fucking uncertain feeling.
I am seriously have moved on (i guess).
Feel free like a humming bird.

I'm a fool
Out of love
'Cause I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go I can't do it alone I've tried
And I don't know why

I'm just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

Being 16th on 16th

"Maybe the wind blows, the bird sing and idol keep ganteng each day (for you of keross)but it cannot change the fact that you're old"

ahaha it was the first sentence that i wrote on neisya's (i've mention your name on my blog. happy? hahaha lol) birthday card. and i feel like one now, ahhaha just being hyperbola. but yeah every second that we've been through is the less life we'll be live.i'm about to turn 16th in the next few days and i've been thinking what have i done in the last 16 years? gosh it's a long journey :)

i would love to nostalgic for a moment, i remember my birthday last year, i remember how it felt to be the luckiest human on earth ever (lol), i won't forget every single thing, and how i suppose to be grateful to have such an amazing friend like you guys. i bet people must be jealous because i own you guys <3>
you guys could make me cry twice. but it was tears of joy of course :D
the unimportant present which surprisingly could make drops of tear fall :D (BH maroon ga penting, CD electric blue lebih g pentng lagi, ipod waljinah yang lagunya ngga bisa diganti karena cuma tempelan doang, wig palsu (sumpah apa sih yang lo semua pikirin?) but most of all is the birthday book, and the Cd's, i'll scan the picture later :D)

what i want for this year: to bad my birthday this year held during the mid semester test. hahahah. and i don't really expect for big things to be happen this year. i just wish to blow candle with my family, awesome friends and maybe, it's only maybe, him. :) and for the present, mom i wish for new mobile phone, the LG one, just like Blair's. it's cool.

KT-610 my baby

maav ya guys kalo aku ngg tau terimakasih and like to bossing around all the time, but i still love and care bout you though. from deep inside of my heart (Y) (<3)>

mi ah-dorable fren and their lovely shasha herkolor lol

Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

atmos fear-ing

HAHAHAHAHAHHA i just want to laugh :):)

i have so much fun today, like unexpected thing happe
n but still F-U-N though. i went to FX today with my girls 
and we went atmosfear-ing. it was so fun, remembered that we had just have a chemistry test which was really fucking hard. from 5 essays, i only did no 5 and 2, but still not sure with 2c, 2d, and 2e. and screw the multiple choices hahaha. only sure for one answer from 10 questions. but quite satisfied with my biology sco
re, i got 90,5 peps. woke up at 2.30am worth it anyway <3
                     We got 2 tickets peps! by the way my forehead is NGGA SANTAI!

So Dyla got 10 free tickets for atmosfear, then here 
we are getting ready to slide. lol. too bad dyla couldn't come because she is sick. ayie also. she had to meditate because her sister is pissed and stressing her out. There were 7 of us so there will be 3 tickets left. so we 'hompimpa alaium gambreng breng breng' to decide who will go twice. then me, tasya and nisa got the second ticket. just like winning golden ticket from wonka bar lol. but stupidly, nisa put the second ticket on top of nowhere a.k.a gone, so she couldn't go for the second time. lol
and dhira got scratch on her knee. poor dhira.

Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

i want to make it rhymes

you keep me waiting, unsure with my own feeling
at first it was so sweet, but then it turned like shit
everything seems so fine, what makes you change your mind?
feel like we're in the air now, don't be, or i'll never say the vow 
by the time we meet, it feels awkward i bet
still dying to hold your hand, feels like hit by hurricane

Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009

confusing pathway

being 10 grader is the most challenging time in my life, because at that time, i have to start choosing a pathway. so here's the thing. Not like any other school that only have 2 pathways, science and social, my school divide them into 5 pathways. Those are: Biology, Physics, Economic, Humanities, and art. The problem is i get confuse in choosing between Biology, economic and humanities. First i think humanities would be fit for me because i'm a social person, but then my mother doesn't allow me for choosing humanities pathway. i'm not sure what's the reason but i think she thought that it such a waste of time. I mean with ability and brain i have right now, it would be better if i'm taking science pathway. But i've been deleting physic from my list since forever. It just i'm not really good at physic. So what has left are biology and economy. I was thingking that i don't really have interest in Biology, i mean i love the subject, but disecting animal is so a big no no. So i'm positive for economy pathway. But then i relize that actually why am i choosing economy pathway it just becasue it is easier. i don't have to memorize things. don't have to meet new terminologies. so it is actually my laziness that i should deal with. oh god please tell me which pathway should i choose......

Drakkar Noir

                                                              " The power of seeing "

29, january 2009   21.27

i was walking down the hall way
i wasn't dare to look straight forward
'cause i know, you were there, staring, right in front of me

your excessive perfume which i inhale deeply
mixing with the smell of cigarette. 

i was repeating your name in my head over and over again 
for a hundred time, you attract me, lift me to the highest level of my imagination

many things i want to tell you, and it wasn't the first time i saw you,
but the moment we face each other, 
everything turns into blur and there's only one word in my head
feel like we don't need a word

'cause when you look me in the eye everything feel so clear
even though i have to stop my feet from being shaking so hard,
control my heart for pumping to loud
and swab my palm from sweating heavily :)



wooaaaa it's really hard for me lately to have full concentration on paying attention in every subject. i don't know why but daydreaming is the priority thing to do lately. which actually really bad. 

A thing distract me and force me to fly away from the reality. hahaha lol. i don't even know what was i thinking. worse because i couldn't understand the lesson, even SSIL (Study Skill for Independent Learning) that suppose to be the easiest subject. comparing to the first semester where i used to have big curiosity on the subjects, i even asked many unimportant questions which actually worth and increasing my understanding. 

but now even though i try to concentrate my mind will go away somewhere leave my body. let it sat with a blank sight. gosh i wish i could have my first semester spirit back. amiiin cheers ara :)

still awake

     18 january, 2009   12:17 am
"i cant pretend i don't care when you don't think about me"

i can't sleep unless you've said goodnight.
it felt way annoying lately 
that my bedtime is depending 
on when are you going to text me 
and said 'goodnight'. 
i know it sounds corny but i can't deny it. it's true

Jumat, 06 Februari 2009


Hey my name is sarah adipayanti but you can call me ara for sure.  Enough for the brief explanation. So here I am, writing on my own blog. So lately I get a bit melancholy, and I write several poems in facebook’s note which then was commenting by abet with so not important critic,  and annoyingly annoyed me. Then friend of mine suggest me to make my own blog. actually this isn’t my first, I’ve make once before but I think it was a bunch of trash so I start it all over again. Cheers : )

Since my linguistic skill is improve, I decide to write in English, yeah bilingual maybe. Hahaha so please enjoy : )  and sorry for keep saying ‘so’ all the time. Lol 

                     Me (left) and Tasya (right)

you might wanna check her blog :